Friday, November 04, 2005

Speaking of HIPPA

I saw a 92 year old man this morning. He had fallen on a concrete block, hitting his ribs, and landing on his right hand. I sent him for xrays which came back that his hand and one of his ribs are broken. Of course, no orthopedic doctor will see him today, or tomorrow, or any time before next week, so we splinted his right hand and gave him pain meds. I asked him who was going to take care of him at home. He said nobody was, his wife had passed about four years ago, and his kids live in Atlanta. He figures he'll be okay, except he doesn't know how he will cook without the use of his right hand. I suggested he ask his neighbors for help -- this is a small country town after all -- but he is just too ornery and independent to do that. So... well, confidentiality be blowed. One of our assistants goes to the same church as the old man. I asked her to call a few members and get them to check on him over the weekend. Within 10 minutes she had arranged for him to be fed, bathed and tucked in at night. Somehow, I don't think he'll sue me for violating his privacy.

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