Saturday, April 21, 2007

Vacation update

It is now Friday. We've been crazy busy, but things are going well. Max is becoming accustomed to providing food for the starving hordes at least hourly, and is gracious about it. Her mother came yesterday and spent the night with us. We took her home today, and on the way home, I noticed that the 6 year old, David, was feeling rather hot. He looked ok though, and we were all pretty tired, so the plan was to get an ice cream, go home and nap, and go out for dinner later in the evening. Max and I actually did nap a bit on the front porch swing until the big boys brought David to us crying. He said his eyes hurt. A quick exam revealed nothing in his eyes, but his skin was now very hot. Checking his temp showed it to be almost 102.

A more complete exam was pretty normal. No ear infection, throat looked fine, lungs clear, tummy soft and non-tender. A few shotty nodes in his neck made it seem likely he has a virus. So I dosed him with tylenol and sat with him dozing on my lap while Max prepared supper in lieu of our dinner out.

While I was sitting with him on the porch (our swing is the comfiest place in the world to nap or rock a sick baby) I noticed sirens in the distance. And more sirens. I began to worry there was another fire when they finally ceased. David's fever broke and he felt well enough to eat some sherbet, and we started a movie. While we were watching, I kept noticing a sound outside, like something large driving by... over and over... When Max too noticed the sound, she went outside to look. She came back looking unhappy. The sound was coming from helicopters with searchlights buzzing around, circling right around our house.

We called a friend with contacts on the police force and she told us that on a road near us a 16 year old had stabbed his family and was on the loose and they were looking for him. Now that will put a knot in your stomach. I mean, we don't always lock our doors out here where we live. But we certainly did tonight. I knew Max had a couple of guns; I asked her to get them out. She informed me that while she did indeed have a .38 and a 16 gauge shotgun, she had no bullets. She got the guns out for me and was frantically hunting for any loose ammo and came up with a box of...... .22 shells. She did finally locate some .38s, but with 4 small boys in the house, I was loathe to load it. We kept the shotgun out because it is heavy as hell and I do believe you could club someone to death with it. I kept the .38 out and the bullets for it nearby so if the dogs acted alarmed, I could load it quickly. I like to shoot, and honestly believe I could shoot someone threatening my life or my loved ones' lives, but I have a horror of an accidental shooting. I do feel better with the gun at the ready.

I don't think our nephews will ever forget this vacation. I know I won't. I just can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.

I'll keep you updated. :)

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