Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Everybody is funny today. They are killing me. First a patient called and said she had rhinoceroses. She wanted an antibiotic for it. That would be one honking antibiotic for a rhinoceros, I'm thinking. (I actually have heard patients call rhinosinusitis "rhinoceros" before, but it never fails to crack me up.
Then there was the 8 year old who really didn't want a shot. He doesn't want one now, or "never in my whole damn life." Oh kaaaay. :)  I have to appreciate this, I don't like shots either, and I approve of people who have firmly held opinions. At least when they agree with mine.
And the woman with with her surgical history of having had a hysterectum. Uh huh.
I just noticed in the background that Amazing Grace is playing. For a song of joyous words, it sure does sound like a dirge. Excuse me. I have to go kill myself now.


Anonymous said...

Don't kill yourself! You're much too entertaining!!!

Ursa Major said...

Comments! I am getting comments! I love it... and thank you. thank you very much. :)