Oddments from the life of a liberal lesbian in the deep south.
Oh well. I am currently cooking some of my favorite addictive substance -- boiled peanuts. I have a huge pot on the stove, filling my whole house with the wondrous aroma of the luscious legumes. That is one of the best things about fall in the south -- freshly harvested peanuts. "Green peanuts" as they are called, though they aren't green at all. I am indulging in a bit of pity for any who have never had the pleasure of this delicacy. (I wonder what kind of ad the mention of boiled peanuts will get me?)
I have been reading a really fun blog recently: celebritysmack.blogspot.com. I first found it when my favorite online magazine - Salon - mentioned something about Jude Law's naked penis having been published all over the internet, and mention was made that surely everyone had seen it by that time. Well, I hadn't, and I hate to be left out, so I went searching for it, and found it in celebritysmack. Plus a ton of other pictures and gossip. Total timewasters, and who cares anyway? But SUCH fun! Check it out... Oh, as for Jude's penis... NBD. Much was made about how small it was, but from my vast experience (as a health care professional!!!!) it is very average. For a white boy. LOL.
It really kills me how much importance is attached to penile size. Even though many women will go to great lengths to increase their breast size, there are some of us who will actually undergo surgery to REDUCE the size of our breasts. I don't think I've ever heard of a man willingly reducing the size of his penis. Cut it off, maybe, but reduce the size? Never! Can you imagine a man saying "gee, I wish I had a nice, compact penis. This dangly thing just gets in my way. And I hate when my SO rolls over on it and squishes it... " No, you aren't ever going to hear that.
Speaking of breasts... There are some really awful ones out there. AwfulPlasticSurgery.com has some great pictures. I do not, and will NEVER, understand the appeal of breasts that look like bolted-on halves of some huge round object. They all look exactly alike. No surprise. I love breasts that are as individual as their owners, with all the various shapes and sizes that human diversity can provide. It is entrancing to watch a bra come off and breasts' true shapes and contours be revealed. I guess I am an old-fashioned lesbian. But I dread the day when everyone looks just alike with chiclet teeth, cheek implants, straight noses, hair extensions, half-globe breasts, lipo-ed bellies and thighs, and butt implants. Goddess preserve us.
I saw a movie yesterday which starred Isabella Rosellini. She is so incredibly beautiful... and then she SMILES -- and oh my god. Those imperfect teeth somehow ENHANCE her beauty. It is amazing. I am so happy she never had them braced or veneered or altered. Her beauty wouldn't be nearly as awe-inspiring without that touch of strangeness to make it uniquely hers.
So maybe the whole world won't go crazy and end up with everyone looking alike. There will always be some beautiful people with sense enough to keep their own beauty instead of trying to be some bland, copy-cat kind of appearance.
And of course, there will always be those of us too poor to indulge in trying to surgically perfect ourselves!